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I swear it's me, and you still hang up on me 🤣


Title: "I swear it's me, and I still get hung up on"


This article discusses a humorous situation involving a wrong number phone call where the caller is not believed to be who they claim to be, resulting in repeated hang-ups. The main idea of the article is about an individual's frustration and amusement at being repeatedly mistaken for someone else.


Imagine the frustration of being mistaken for someone else, even after repeatedly asserting your true identity.


This scenario is hilariously depicted in a recent incident that involved a wrong number phone call.

The individual in question experienced the exasperation of being doubted despite their sincere claims of being who they said they were. The situation went as follows: after dialing a number, the person on the other end of the line simply refused to believe that they were speaking to the intended individual.


In an amusing turn of events, the caller found themselves being hung up on repeatedly, leading to both amusement and irritation.

The caller claims that they swore and assured the recipient of the call that they were indeed the person they were trying to reach. However, despite their efforts, the intended receiver remained skeptical. This cycle of disbelief and hang-ups continued, causing frustration for the caller who couldn't help but see the humor in the situation.


In a comedic twist, the caller acknowledges the possibility of still being wrong despite their insistence on being the correct person. Their humor shines through as they exclaim, "I swear it's me, and I still get hung up on!" The laughter is evident in this statement, as the caller finds amusement in the absurdity of the situation.

This article highlights the comical nature of mistaken identity and the lengths one might go to convince others of their true identity.

Despite their best efforts, the caller was unsuccessful in persuading the person on the other end of the line. This adds to the humor, as it is a relatable experience for many individuals who have experienced similar misunderstandings.

In conclusion, this article humorously details an incident involving a persistent mistaken identity, where the caller's attempts to convince the recipient of their true identity were met with repeated hang-ups. The frustration and amusement of the situation are evident, making it relatable to anyone who has been in a similar predicament.


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