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The Aztecs Encounter: A Collision of Cultures (Part 1 of 2)


The article titled "The Aztecs - A Clash of Worlds (Part 1 of 2)" discusses the clash of worlds that occurred between the Aztecs and the Spanish conquistadors. The main idea of the article is to explore the encounter between these two civilizations and the significant impact it had on both societies.

The article begins by providing some background information on the Aztec civilization. It states that the Aztecs were a powerful and advanced society, known for their sophisticated agricultural practices, intricate city planning, and complex social hierarchy.


They built their capital city, Tenochtitlan, on an island in the middle of a lake, which was connected to the mainland by causeways. The Aztecs were also renowned for their religious beliefs and rituals, often involving human sacrifices.

Next, the article introduces the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors led by Hernán Cortés in 1519. It highlights the stark contrast between the two civilizations - the advanced Aztecs and the technologically superior Spanish.


The arrival of the Spanish represented a clash of worlds, as the article suggests, as the two societies were vastly different in terms of culture, technology, and values.

The article then delves into the events that unfolded when the Spanish arrived in Aztec territory. At first, the Aztec emperor, Moctezuma II, was unsure of how to react to the arrival of the Spanish. He sent gifts and diplomats to welcome them, believing that they might be representatives of the gods or foretold messengers.


However, the Spanish saw this as an opportunity to exploit the Aztec civilization and its riches.

The article describes how the Spanish quickly turned on their hosts and began their conquest of the Aztec empire. The Spanish exploited the internal divisions within the Aztec society by forming alliances with rival city-states that were discontent with Aztec rule. They also used their advanced weapons and tactics to their advantage.

The article is not finished. Click on the next page to continue.


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